

Customizing the colors and fonts of Cosmo is really easy.


Cosmo uses the hsl function of CSS to create the color scheme based on the hue, saturation, and lightness you provide. This allows the creation of several lightness steps with just three variables. And the best part is that you can customize the colors without the usage of SASS or LESS.


Mainly used are two fonts. The default font is Albert Sans, this font is used in several places in Cosmo and can be seen as the default font.
Headings and menus use a font called Urbanist. Changing the fonts is as simple as changing the CSS variables and linking the fonts themselves.
The final font used in Cosmo is Oxygen Mono. Oxygen Mono is used for, you guessed it, monospaced use cases. This includes pre, code, and samp tags.

For the customized variables to take effect, they need to be applied on the body element in your custom CSS file.

Cosmo variables

--primary-hue: 211;                                 /* The hue of the primary colors */
--primary-saturation: 50%;                          /* The saturation for the primary colors, this must be a percent value */
--primary-lightness-base: 20%;                      /* The base lightness for the primary colors, this must be a percent value */

--negative-hue: 2;                                  /* The hue of the negative colors */
--negative-saturation: 67%;                         /* The saturation for the negative colors, this must be a percent value */
--negative-lightness-base: 57%;                     /* The base lightness for the negative colors, this must be a percent value */

--positive-hue: 146;                                /* The hue of the positive colors */
--positive-saturation: 35%;                         /* The saturation for the positive colors, this must be a percent value */
--positive-lightness-base: 46%;                     /* The base lightness for the positive colors, this must be a percent value */

--information-hue: 205;                             /* The hue of the information colors */
--information-saturation: 64%;                      /* The saturation for the information colors, this must be a percent value */
--information-lightness-base: 48%;                  /* The base lightness for the information colors, this must be a percent value */

--warning-hue: 42;                                  /* The hue of the warning colors */
--warning-saturation: 54%;                          /* The saturation for the warning colors, this must be a percent value */
--warning-lightness-base: 54%;                      /* The base lightness for the warning colors, this must be a percent value */

--gray-lightness-base: 80%;                         /* The base lightness for the gray colors, this must be a percent value */

--light-step: 10%;                                  /* The percentage step used for the light color variants, this must be a percent value */
--lighter-step: 20%;                                /* The percentage step used for the lighter color variants, this must be a percent value */

--dark-step: -10%;                                  /* The percentage step used for the dark color variants, this must be a percent value */
--darker-step: -20%;                                /* The percentage step used for the darker color variants, this must be a percent value */

--white-base: 255;                                  /* The red, green and blue value for white */
--black-base: 51;                                   /* The red, green and blue value for black */

--border-radius: 4px;                               /* The default border radius for inputs, buttons and other controls */

--font-size: 16px;                                  /* The base font size, all other font sizes, paddings and margins are based on this */

--font-weight-bold: bold;                           /* The default bold font weight */
--font-weight-normal: normal;                       /* The default regular font weight */
--font-weight-light: 200;                           /* The default light font weight */

--font-family: 'Albert Sans', sans-serif;           /* The default font family for text */

--font-family-menu: Urbanist, sans-serif;           /* The font family of menu items */
--font-weight-menu: 200;                            /* The default weight of main and sub menu items */

--font-weight-sub-menu-active: 600;                 /* The weight of active sub menu item */

--font-family-heading: Urbanist, sans-serif;        /* The font for headings */
--font-weight-heading: 200;                         /* The weight of headings */

--font-family-code: 'Oxygen Mono', monospace;       /* The monospace font used in pre, code, and samp tags */