

Due to Cosmo CSS being targeted for web applications, it only features the basic typographic needs.

Supported tags

Heading level 1

Heading level 2

Heading level 3

Heading level 4

Heading level 5
Heading level 6
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<h1>Heading level 1</h1>
<h2>Heading level 2</h2>
<h3>Heading level 3</h3>
<h4>Heading level 4</h4>
<h5>Heading level 5</h5>
<h6>Heading level 6</h6>


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Anchor tag
Strong tag
Emphasis tag
Code tag
Kbd tag
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<a href="#">Anchor tag</a>
<strong>Strong tag</strong>
<em>Emphasis tag</em>
<code>Code tag</code>


Tables are used to show data that you can display any amount of data.

Column name Type Allow null Keys Default value Extra data
api_key varchar(255) NO PRI null
user_id int YES MUL null
valid_since datetime NO null
user_agent varchar(255) YES null
remote_address varchar(255) YES null
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<table class="cosmo-table">
        <th>Column name</th>
        <th>Allow null</th>
        <th>Default value</th>
        <th>Extra data</th>

Bullet list

A simple bullet list.

  • Server version
  • Compile machine
  • Compile operating system
  • Linux
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<ul class="cosmo-list is--bullet">
    <li>Server version</li>
    <li>Compile machine</li>
    <li>Compile operating system</li>

Ordered list

A simple ordered list.

  1. Server version
  2. Compile machine
  3. Compile operating system
  4. Linux
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<ol class="cosmo-list is--ordered">
    <li>Server version</li>
    <li>Compile machine</li>
    <li>Compile operating system</li>

Key value list

A key value list displays information based on a key-value pattern.

Server type
MySQL Community Server - GPL
Server version
Compile machine
Compile operating system
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<dl class="cosmo-list is--key-value">
    <dt>Server type</dt>
    <dd>MySQL Community Server - GPL</dd>
    <dt>Server version</dt>
    <dt>Compile machine</dt>
    <dt>Compile operating system</dt>